OK, I know I've been shite at updating this. But in my defence, no one ever comments and everyone seems to forget to check this anyway! But I'll put up some photos for you anyway.
This is my 'new' couch! Picked it up for $15 from around the corner :) I know it's ugly but it's in good condition and i'll get a cover for it.
Some more photos from the Iron Horse Trail...
Oktoberfest potluck dinner at work.....woohoo!
Pear crumble pie (made with the best red pears I've ever tasted - from BC of course!)
My stuff finally arrived! Still living a bit like a student and since my flat is so much bigger, the stuff I had just kinda disappeared.
Oscar was so happy that his tree arrived! Of course true to form, the only place it fits is right smack in the middle of the living room :P
My spare bedroom is all set up! Who's going to be the first guest at chez Lindsay??
BLueberry corn muffins! Once my stuff got here I settled into old routines and got back to cooking and baking after nearly a 3 month hiatus.
I've woken up a few times now to HUNDREDS of Bohemian Waxwings in the wild cherry tree outside my window. They are noisy but awesome!
My little Blackcapped Chickadee has finally found my bird feeder :) I know it's a type of tit but here we call the chickadees because that's the sound they make!
Made some of my famous bread & butter pickles too :) Eat your heart out Wolfy! No time for pickles with little bambinos...
It finally properly snowed on Friday night!!! So beautiful. Still here of course because it's never gone above zero since. Highs of about -5 to -10C this week but tomorrow.... a high of -16C. WOOHOO!
Balcony view...
Oscar being not so impressed with the snow. Typical whoosy brit, he wouldn't go outside for more than 15 minutes at a time.
Went skating for the first time in 12 years on Sunday. My feet HURT. But it will get better. Picked up a used pair of skates for about £3. And skating is free. How cool is that? By 3 circuits I was at least skating without holding the sides and by the end I was at least looking better than most of the anklebiters swarming around me :)
Sunday afternoon I had a go at making ravioli for the second time - it worked infinitely better this time.
And what's better to come home to after skating than a plate of homemade ravioli and a glass of madeira? Nothing! I've given away all the ravioli now, so I'll make more this weekend. It's fun!
So you are up to date now I think. Hopefully more snow tomorrow and I'll be able to get my skiis out for the first time this weekend!!!!
Stay warm!